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Hi there!

Welcome to my digital home. My name is Alyssa Bigbee and i’m a mother, business owner, artist, and holistic healer. Step into my home and kick off the shoes you walk in so you may open up your perspective. Shed yourself of the worries and stress you carry on your shoulders so that you may find peace in this space. Help yourself to some resources, we have plenty to spare. Relax and enjoy some readings and stories of other creatives on their wellness journey. Learn more about my projects for youth in arts & wellness. This is meant to be a space to fill your cup and pour knowledge for others. I hope you enjoy your time here. I recommend scrolling down to start learning about my work but we value autonomy here, so feel free to browse at your own pace.

-Alyssa Bigbee


Button will go right here as a test

Button will go here as a test
